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What are wiki pages?

Wiki pages are user-written articles on a range of subjects. Any contributor or a group of contributors can create (and own) new articles, and there can be multiple articles on the same wiki, each written by a different author.

Who can make a wiki page?

Anyone with an account can create a new article. When creating a new article, the initial contributor can choose to have a defined list of authors, all of whom can edit the page, or have an open, wiki-like format where anyone can contribute.

Recent articles

Help: Wiki Formatting

Created on 09 Dec 2021

Wiki Formatting Wiki markup is a core feature for Topic pages, tightly integrating all the other parts of Trac into a flexible and powerful whole. This site has a built in small and powerful wiki rendering engine. This wiki engine implements an ever growing subset of the commands from other...

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Help: Page History

Created on 09 Dec 2021

Introduction All editable pages have an associated page history, which consists of the old versions of the wikitext, as well as a record of the date and time of every edit, the name of the user who wrote it, and their edit summary. Access the page history by clicking the “history”...

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Help: Admonitions

Created on 09 Dec 2021

Admonitions are used to make some text stand out or to point out something which doesn’t fit in the normal flow of the text. There are five different admonitions currently supported by the Modern theme. They are warning, caution, important, note and tip. Below is an example of the caution...

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